Contact Details

Name and Primary Address:

Firstname M Lastname

PayNowBox Inc ACN

1234 Anystreet St Apt No.909


Anycity, AS 12345




Please edit contact details before proceeding.

Want to add PO Box users?

List all the people, including members of a business, who will be receiving mail at this PO Box. All names listed must have verifiable ID upon request.*

Add Personal User Add Company User

There can only be 6 PO Box users. To add more, you must first remove an existing user.

Please Note:

Additional action is required after your online reservation. Once you reserve a PO Box online, you'll need to bring your PS Form 1093 and Customer Agreement and two acceptable forms of ID to the Post Office facility where your box is located.

Informed Delivery

Know when to make a trip out to the Post Office. With the free Informed Delivery® feature, get a digital preview of your incoming mail and track packages anytime, anywhere. Learn more about Informed Delivery.

Please select the address(es) you would like to enroll:

Please accept Terms and Conditions.
You must make a selection before submitting.
Which size is right for me?

Size 1-XS: 3" x 5.5"
Holds 10-15 letters or 2 rolled magazines

Size 2-S: 5" x 5.5"
Holds 10-15 letters or 5 rolled magazines

Size 3-M: 5.5" x 11"
Allows large envelopes and magazines to be stacked flat

Size 4-L: 11" x 11"
Holds 2 shoeboxes and still has room for 10-15 letters

Size 5-XL: 12" x 22.5"
Big enough for multiple Flat Rate Boxes and parcels

Your PO Box number will be assigned once you activate your PO Box.